Thursday, 12 September 2013

Dear Shae Alosius Montgomery Greenfield

It is with a full heart and a few tears that I congratulate you for your courage and good sense in proposing to the ravishing, intelligent and amazing Miss Sara Michelle. The fact you chose September 12th is significant - not just because it is one of those rare days that is not an official Jewish holiday - but because it is the day:
- Elizabeth Barrett eloped with Robert Browning (How do I love thee?)
- John F. Kennedy wed Jackie in Rhode Island (Let's focus on the love story part of that...)
- the first married couple were launched into space on the Space Shuttle Endeavour (one assumes they were still together at the landing) and,
- there were monster sightings in West Virginia (of course it is probable that happens on a daily basis).
Your courtship bears striking similarities to Elizabeth and Robert in that it started out as a long-distance affair (though Sara is not an invalid, thank God, and you Shae, are no poet!) and quickly became a love story for the ages -  a communion of two people that is epic in its strength and surrounded by a halo of hope and light. There is a moment when you see two people together and something beyond chemistry tells you that the union is just right, no re-assembly required, and that is precisely how I felt when I saw you together for the first time. Frankly, I didn't know if Shae could possibly find someone with as vibrant a spirit and as generous a heart as he has - and yet he found you, Sara. I longed for this day not just because you both mean so much to me - but because a connection like yours is so precious in the universe - it demands to be held close, revered and celebrated with all of the pageantry that our little lives allow. Congratulations on this beautiful day...I love you both more than I can say....


  1. Dear Michelle,
    I'm so sorry you have health woes! As Shae is important to you and to myself, and you are obviously important to Shae then you must be important to myself. I look forward to your future musings. Good health to you!

    1. Thank you Iama, I think a love for Shae is universal!

  2. A lovely tribute to two good friends - Marisa.

  3. I love that with all you have going on you can still be so generous with your love and thoughtfulness. You are a special lady!
