Saturday, 18 May 2013

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger?

So the flood-gates have opened and what has emerged is a river of stories that I can only describe as revelatory from both men and women - people I thought I knew well and many I didn't - who have shared that on some level, my struggles have struck some chord within them. In private messages and emails, so many have come forward to send their support - but also to share their own truth about their struggles with body image, or that of someone they love, in confidences so intimate that I find it hard to breathe through it. From the beginning of my journey, as every birthday passed, I would foolishly pray for rock bottom - because I earnestly believed when that magic moment would come I would miraculously have the will to get better. Well I have found that place and while I may not be healed - something transformative is happening...truth begets truth...the masks are coming off and with every confession, every story, I am learning. We are all a collection of our stories and insecurities, our childhood hurts and the bodies that intersected with ours at some point on the road. The voices that destroyed us and those that lifted us up, scarred and scared on the inside and walking though the world as if none of this damage exists. We are the walking wounded...but still putting one foot in front of the other. Here's to us...

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